
The NBPA legal department’s mission is to represent, protect, and maximize the rights, interests, and well-being of the union and its members. We seek to provide world-class services through skilled and effective collective bargaining, championing players’ rights and supporting the work of the union.

During both the negotiation of a new CBA and enforcement of the agreement thereafter, NBPA Legal deals with a wide variety of issues including free agency, the salary cap, our revenue sharing system with the league (Basketball Related Income), health and safety, benefits, the Anti-Drug Program, and emerging markets such as wearables and sports betting. We prosecute and defend grievances on behalf of players in disputes with their team or the league on issues ranging from on-court conduct and discipline (technical fouls, fines and suspensions) to CBA, contract and other legal matters. And as in-house counsel to the union, we manage the governance of the NBPA, outside litigation issues, and lobbying efforts.

Finally, the legal department administers the NBPA’s Agent Regulation program, which includes agent certification, training, counsel/support, dispute resolution, and discipline. We also support and assist our sister unions, the WNBPA and Next Gen Basketball Players Association (G League).


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First Call

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Player Health

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NBPA Foundation

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Player Benefits

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Mental Health & Wellness

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450 Connect

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Own the Off Season

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The Court at NBPA HQ

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Player Perks

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